Neida I. David
Light and Brilliance
Healthy people for God's Kingdom-TM
"Healing to help others heal"
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Walking along side Jesus
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." Psalm 23:1
Healthy People for God's Kingdom-TM
Jeremiah 30:17 (NJV) But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the LORD.
Emotional distress is at its peak causing many other health issues. This organization strives to increase public awareness about the importance of maintaining good health practices at all levels; physical, emotional and spiritual. The programs integrate the science and are supported by research combined with a spiritual component. ​​
We are here to help you transition. However, it is your choice to stay in the spiral of negative experience or seek the help you need. There are possibilities, choices and supported guidance to help everyone move ahead. Meet other like minded individuals who have achieve their goals.
Proverbs 3:6 (NJV) In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.
There is never an easy road towards success. A path is made with one single step as we begin to walk. Whether you have been successful or have confronted waves of negative experiences, there is always a new road to explore. Here is an opportunity to try out a new way to improve life performance that incorporates 3 pathways in one care plan. A different approach to obtain better results.
Living life successfully
It requires guidance, teaching and application. Play the game of life to win, it is imperative to train to play wisely. You can shift the focus from self guided practices to be that player who's directed, trained and supported along and through the process to be more efficient.
God's Book
The guide towards wellness
This not religion, this is the way of living. The word of God is life, direction, knowledge, discipline and healing. Discipleship is part of a care plan to learn the Word and to apply it while building a relationship with God. Through His son Jesus Christ we can have a complete and happy life.
Giving back is healing
The power of altruism can change a life. You and I can make a difference! Our testimonies can bring hope and faith to others. Sharing of our blessings brings about healing to those in need, but also to ourselves. Giving by grace what by grace we have received.